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Oct 26, 2010

How to Find Beautiful Pedigree Puppies For Sale For Your Family

The inclusion of a pet or pets into the house is a time for great excitement and thrill for members of the family. It is also a very challenging experience but can be immensely rewarding as well. However, before going ahead and looking for pedigree puppies for sale for your family, it is necessary to understand pedigrees and trace the lineage. Irrespective of whether it is a purebred or mixed-breed puppy you are looking for, it is essential to recognise the type or lineage so that you are in a position to know what to expect in terms of its temperament, physical health and so on. It is not enough if you just have the 'papers' but also get to know what they hold in terms of a number of details.

The reading of pedigrees will involve some research and will require you as a buyer to ask questions to the breeder and these questions would have to be pretty specific covering not only the breed but also the health, any issues regarding training, past history of littermates and so on.

By the same yardstick, it is imperative to avoid looking for puppies at puppy mills which normally house dogs in rather cruel conditions. The dogs are kept caged and used only for breeding without any companionship or love from a human being. Once their fertility decreases, they are killed or sold off. The consequence of this practice is that many hundreds of puppies are produced of indifferent pedigree and are sold to pet stores who then advertise on the net or the print media. These pet stores just want to palm off these puppies to impulsive buyers and even the staff employed by them may not have much knowledge about pets and their care.

So how can you avoid this scenario and get to know the source of the puppies since pet store owners will never admit to the fact that they have bought these puppies from such puppy mills? The best way to approach this is to get in touch with a professional breeder as buying a puppy is an important decision.

Some tell tale signs you can look out for will help you take a decision such as:

a) Whether the dogs are kept in a proper home and are treated as part of family.

b) Do the dogs appear happy and keen to meet new people?

c) Is the breeder able to show you areas where the dogs spend a majority of their time and how well these areas are maintained?

d) Does the breeder allow you to spend some time with the puppy's mother or father?

e) Can the breeder show you records of veterinarian visits and the medical history of the puppies in question?

There are many other factors and questions you can ask the breeder to determine that the pedigree puppies for sale you are looking for are indeed not from the puppy store that unfortunately cannot be covered in this article. You can also get to know about the intent and seriousness of the breeder from the questions he or she asks you as a buyer and it is a combination of these things that will give you the confidence to go ahead and pick up the puppies you want for your family.
By Lawernce White J Platinum Quality Author